Saturday, November 12, 2011

PAMAS Day Out!

Baby Haddie is ready to go!
After 2 crazy weeks of non-stop meetings, the missionaries needed a break. So everyone decided to head to Maruyog Resort.
Haddie was intrigued by the many people riding in the back of the truck.
Mt. Marugoy Resort is SERIOUSLY Brookes Points BEST kept secret. I lived here for 8 months and didn't even know it existed. No other missionaries knew about it either until some friends of Roy and Shielah's came to Brookes Point and requested to go to Maruyog Resort. They had no idea what they were talking about until they looked it up on the internet. 
The website describes it as: A nature park and garden nestled at the foot of Mt. Maruyog, a medium-high mountain which is visible and easily recognizable in any part of the town because of its pointed peak. This peak is part of the Mt. Matalingahan mountain range that traverses the mid-section of southern Palawan.
To be completely honest, I didn't know these mountains had after hearing so much about this amazing resort, I was really excited to go. I didn't expect much. "I mean its Brookes Point, how amazing could it be?" I would soon eat my own words.
As you've heard "A pictures worth 1000 words" so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking in this post:
As you can see, it was an aquatic paradise. I serious was not expecting a legit pool, let alone water slides. It was incredible. The pool was actually deep enough that even the Americans could jump in and not touch. :)
They also had a little pool for the little kids who cannot swim very well. So everyone was able to enjoy themselves for the day.
Much to Angela's dismay, should could swim. So she went in the deep end....sometimes against her own will. lol.
After spending some time at the pool we decided to check out some other parts of the park. We went over to the playground area and there were many big, cement animals. We were walking around admiring them all when we realized....there are no "Please keep off" signs anywhere. Of course, we realized that if we climb on them, it will just give reason for all the children to climb on them, which after years could result in the animals being damaged or we thought, "Ah, what the heck!"
LeAnne played with the dinosaur...
...while I chilled with an elephant (he's telling me a secret)....
...then LeAnne got fierce with the tiger...
...while I was being attacked by an Alligator
...but don't worry. I showed him who's boss!
....then LeAnne calmed an eagle...
Then Tanya joined her (Now before you ask, they both strongly attempted to climb on top of the eagle. It just wasn't a possibility :(  )
Oh LeAnne, always swinging from heart strings.
Afterwards we headed back to the pool area for lunch. It was a Filipino style picnic, complete with spaghetti, pancit, and sticky rice; The 3 dishes EVERY Filipino party needs. :) But Shielah also made some Jello, which was really amazing!

Then LeAnne and I finished our exploring.
On our way to the water park, Andrey had mentioned that there was a Zip Line at the resort. LeAnne and I were excited. We had never been on a zip line before, so we didn't really know what to expect. When we got there and saw it, we were a little depressed. "THATS the zip line, it looks so stupid" But we didn't want to leave without trying it, we gave it a try. It was the scariest, craziest, most fun thing we had done in a long time! You sit on this Swing-like seat and since the whole contraption is on a downward slant, when you sit you begin to slide down the lines. Then when you reach the end, you're going a fast enough speed that when you hit the other side it swings you nearly parallel to the ground. It actually really freaks you out. We played on this for a long time. We even drew a crowd, nothing like watching 2 Americans giggling and squealing down a zip-line apparently :)
Then after we were tired of running to the top of the zip line, we headed over to the tree fort. It was gorgeous and a really nice add to the resort. It was very peaceful to just sit in there and look at the view. I loved it!
Then we went and hung out by the pool again for awhile. At this point all the other missionaries wanted pictures of themselves jumping into the pool. So we decided just to do a group shot:
Jump #1: Not everyone was in sync.
Jump #2: Missed the group...but got Tanya as she lagged behind!
Jump 3: I guess thats as good as its gonna get. lol.
As the day went on, the sun started to drain us of our energy and we were ready to pack up and head back. But the day had been incredible. At one point, Andrey asked, "How would this place compete in price in America?" Taking a look around, "It would probably cost about $20 to get in and the zip line and tree fort would probably have been separate costs." I figured. So the 50 peso (94 cents) entrance fee to this place was not bad at all. It was such a cute place, they even had little cabins to stay in if you wanted. 
So, if you ever go to the Philippines...and you just happen to find yourself on the island of Palawan...and you figure "Hey, whats another 4 hour drive down to Brookes Point!" I definitely recommend stopping by Maruyog Resort. It was a perfect paradise amidst a perfect paradise. :)

"This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it."
~Psalms 118:24

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