Sunday, October 23, 2011

Market Day!!

 In the little city of Brookes Point there is one thing EVERYONE knows. 
Monday is Market Day!
Venders come from all over the area, whether it be the mountains or the next city over, and the  people follow. Market day was always my favorite day of the week. You meet some of the most interesting people and get fresh, amazing, sometimes different vegetables for cheap, cheap prices. 
So, I was really excited when I woke up Monday morning because it was market day. I was happy to see that nothing had really changed, alot venders that I recognized from before, same cheap prices, and the smells....well, I could do without the smells, but nonetheless it was all the same! And I was very excited that LeAnne was able to experience market for the first time! She was quite fearless in more ways than one. :)

Our beautiful variety of fruits!
LeAnne's First Tricycle ride!

The Truck seems to be carrying more people than yesterday....
That night we attended the meetings. It almost seemed as if the number of children had doubled since the night before...but we couldn't be was hard to get them to sit still...especially once the camera came out.

LeAnne, Tanya, and I were asked to perform a song to start off the adult meetings. We chose  "Softly and Tenderly" and sang it in Tagalog. Then I was in charge of the health lecture. My topic was Diarrhea....not my first choice of topic, but very important for these people to learn about and how to cure it.

The night ended for us shortly after that, I was fighting a really big migraine and had to be brought back to the house. I was hoping sleep would be all I needed to get rid of it....I guess we'll see how that goes.

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