Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day-trip to Puerto!

 They are a very important, yet very ANNOYING part of ANY traveling experience. Not only are they scheduled for the most inconvenient times but they cost about the same as the trip itself. But regardless, they need to be done if you want to stay in a foreign country longer than the allotted time.
Our Visas happen to expire on Nov. 2, which in the Philippines is considered a Holiday (They have a 3-day Halloween here). So that meant we had to go this week. 
At 5:30am our shuttle arrived to take us on the bumpy, nauseating, 4-hour drive to Puerto Princesa, the capital of Palawan. We headed straight to the Immigration office, fearing the worst, as the ladies inside are usually very cranky and rude. But after some paper work, a 6,000 php payment :(, and a stamp in the passport we were finally approved to stay till Dec. It was actually a very fast process; it was only 11am and our shuttle back to Brookes Point didn't leave until 3pm. 
So we decided to spend our time at one of my FAVORITE restaurants in the Philippines: Ima's Vegetarian Restaurant. This restaurant makes incredible, westernized food for Filipino prices. The best part, its all Vegetarian with a Vegan option. Ima's was mine and Sam's favorite place to eat when we were here. I think what we love most about it is the environment. 
Most Filipino restaurants leave you feeling dirty. Almost like you have to wash and sanitize everything before you sit down and then wash and sanitize yourself after you leave. Maybe its just my American ways, but thats how I feel when eating at any Filipino restaurant. But not Ima's. The restaurant has such a clean and fun feel to it.

Another awesome part about Ima's is that it is owned by Adventists. Throughout the restaurant there are books and posters all in support of the Adventist belief and health message. The restaurant also does not allow smoking inside (which is a big deal in the Philippines) and serves no alcoholic beverages. Also they close for the Sabbath hours. They close early on Fridays and don't reopen till after sundown on Saturday. 
When we arrived, LeAnne and I were REALLY hungry so we may have pigged out a little. ;) We each had a Pineapple/Mango smoothie and then split a small, Vegan Sausage Pizza. Then I had Penne and Broccoli, because I miss broccoli alot, and LeAnne had the Tofu and Broccoli Rice dish. All made with FRESH ingredients. We left very full and very satisfied!
Tall glass of deliciousness!
I always feel very inspired when I go to Ima's. Most people think that in order to do God's work you have to be a Pastor, or Teacher, or in the Medical Field, none of which I am. How could I possibly do God's Work? The Ima's restaurant always reminds me that you don't have to have a specific skill or degree to do God's Work. As long as you do what you to the Glory of the Lord, you too can draw people to God.
After our amazing meal we went to pick up some food items for the other missionaries and then headed back to Brookes Point for the last day of the meetings. 
Vegetarian Food. The Best For Humans. Love it!

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
~1 Corinthians 10:31

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