Saturday, November 19, 2011

Up we go!

We woke up at 6am, Thursday morning to get ready for our hike up into the mountains. Unfortunately I woke up with the same stuffy nose and cough, but seeing as to how it wasn't going away any time soon, I made the best of it and packed my bag to head out. 
Today we were going to hike up one of the mountains in the Matalingahan mountain range. We were headed up to a village called Calbunacan, which the PAMAS project has been visiting and helping with medical, educational, and pastoral needs. The hike is only 1 hour but it is STRAIGHT UP the mountain on a very narrow, steep path. 
We were on the road by 7 and took a quick 10 min drive to the base of the  mountain, avoiding many obstacles along the way. To get to the base of the mountain you have to drive through a river, this river is usually pretty shallow and easy to get through, but sometimes after it has rained a couple days, you have the chance of getting stuck. Another problem, right before reaching out destination, is a weak road. The road has caved in quite a bit. To be safe, everyone usually gets out of the truck and the driver gets the truck across, then everyone gets back in. So far so good! 
When we finally reach the base of the mountain, we get all of our supplies together and wait at the river for some Carriers (aka, experienced mountain climbers who help us carry our supplies.) 
As we waited for them to come down, little Haddie, being the water bug she is, took off her clothes and waded into the water. This little girl would swim in a puddle, if given the chance. She just loves the water. 
As she was playing in the water, Danny, her dad, decided to join her for a swim. This river, like most of the rivers I've seen here in Palawan, are very shallow except for 1 point where it just drops very deep. At one point, Danny brought Haddie on the other side of the river and the only way to get back to shore was to go through the deep part of the river. Danny jumped in and Haddie started to cry. He was standing in the deep part saying "Come here, Haddie. I'll catch you." and she kept crying and saying "No, no. Ilaliam!" (Which means 'Too Deep' in Tagalog) 
After some tears, Danny told her to walk towards him and that he wouldn't let her fall. After much persuading, she finally inched her way towards him and he brought her across the deep part. "See I told you I wouldn't let you fall." he said to her as he brought her across.
Now, forgive me. I don't usually go off on little deep tangents over little stories like this. But as I witnessed this small, meaningless exchange between a Father and his baby girl it really warmed my heart. To me, that was the cutest, most ideal portrayal of a Father and their Child, not only the way it should be here on earth, but also between our Heavenly Father and Us. How many times do we feel that we're stuck on the opposite side of a big dark hole, and there is nothing that can get us across? How often do we feel like we're there alone and no one can help us? But even so, there is God saying "Come here. I'll catch you." We often shout excuses as to why we can't get through this obstacle but still He says, "I'll catch you. Just come to me, I won't let you fall." Then suddenly we get the courage to walk into His outstretched arms, and He carries us through. 
As I watched the exchange between Haddie and her Daddy, I questioned myself, "Was that really necessary? Why would he bring her to the other side if he knew she would be too scared to come back on her own? Why would he tell her to walk towards him after he was in the water, why didn't he just carry her from the beginning?" As I pondered it for a moment, I realized that he was teaching her how to trust. Teaching her that no matter if she is scared or stuck, there will always be Someone there who loves her and who will pull her through. 
Beautiful quote to remember!
Safe with Mommy back on shore.
Anyways, enough of that mushy, deep stuff. ;) Back to the story:
We waited by the river for about 20 min and then we finally started our way up the mountain. I've climbed mountains before, but never while being sick. This presented a much more difficult climbing experience, about 1/4 of the way up I was out of happens quite easily when you can't breathe out of your nose. But everyone was really helpful and encouraging and I pushed on! 
LeAnne was a pro. It didn't even seem like it phased her. She even managed to do some filming while we hiked. I, however, was in charge of the Digital Camera...and didn't get many pictures...because I was more focused on breathing...but after about an hour of hiking we all made it to the top. Thats the good news, the bad news is eventually we have to hike back down :/
But we have 2 nights and 3 days to mentally and physically prepare for that. Till then we'll just enjoy our time up here in the mountains of Palawan. :)

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