Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Location, New Opportunities.

We decided to split our time between both PAMAS mission sights. The first, of course, is in Palawan and the second "baby" project is up in Santiago, Isabela which is located on the northern portion of the island of Luzon. Dwayne and Wendy Harris (the founders of PAMAS) are currently starting their new project up here.
Wendy invited us to come up during the month of November because she was helping to host a L.I.G.H.T. 1-month training program. Let me explain: L.I.G.H.T. is an acronym for Layman's Institute of Global Health Training. Its a big group of missionaries, that travel all over the Philippines and other countries, teaching people how to become medical missionaries by training them in Healthful Living and Natural Healing Remedies. They were going to be doing a 1-month training in Santiago and asked Wendy to help set it up.
They were already a week into the program by the time we got up here and so we tried our best to jump right in. The meetings would start at 6pm and go until 9pm and during this 3 hours we would learn 3 different subjects which would change over the one month period.
During the mornings, Wendy helped to plan medical visitations to all the devastated areas in Santiago. Medical Visitations differ from Medical Missions because most of the volunteers are not doctors or nurses. So we can't diagnose or prescribe medicines. We would mainly just check blood pressures and give helpful hints on how the people could live a more healthy life. Then we would pray with them and move to the next house. In most cases, we would go to one house and all the friends and neighbors of that person would come running over. So we would just chill in one house all morning long. :)
I was excited to come up by Wendy because I was still really sick with a bad cold that just wouldn't leave. While up in the mountains, I had even resorted to taking medicine. During the last 5 days I had taken 3 different kinds of medicine and I was still really sick. I had come to the idea that I may never be able to breathe through my nose again...or taste :( It was beginning to make me very sad and bitter. 
A very sick Me trying to fall asleep. LeAnne thought I looked silly, so she took a picture. What are friends for, eh? lol.
I was hoping Wendy would have some ideas to make me better. Right when I arrived she had me start taking Garlic pills and Vitamin C to boost my Immune System. Then our first night of class we were studying Hydrotherapy. Davin, our teacher, had mentioned that Hot Foot Baths help with colds and headaches. That night, LeAnne gave me a hot foot bath and then I took a shower and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up and I could breathe through my nose again. It was amazing! I will never take 'breathing through my nose' for granted again! I was so excited to smell and taste food again! 
So I'm excited to see what else I can learn from these classes. Its going to be a fun-filled couple of weeks!
Found this little guy outside the house....its better than the spiders in, jk.
"Behold, I will bring it heath and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth."
~Jeremiah 33:6

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